Rent a string instrument
You are interested in renting a violin, viola or cello?
As violin maker I offer you the rental of stringed instruments.The instruments are all set up in my workshop by me and therefore in technically and sound optimal condition.
Your child or you would like to learn a string instrument?
Practice on a cheap instrument often brings more annoyance than enjoyment, for example, when the playability of the instrument is limited, or the sound quality is unacceptable.It is equally important that children always choose the right instrument size.I therefore recommend from the beginning to support your or your child’s musicianship with a good rental instrument.I am happy to assist you in choosing a good rental instrument.
The violins violas and cellos are rented complete with bow and case.
- all sizes from 1/16 to 4/4 size
- in perfect playability with the best possible sound
- massively built stringed instruments
- Student instruments with very good sound properties
- Easy switching to the next instrument sizes
- Possibility to buy the rental instrument
- Rental price per month Violin 20,00 Euro including VAT
- Rental price per month Viola 25,00 Euro including VAT
- Rent per month Cello 35,00 Euro including VAT
You do not live in Kaiserslautern and would like to rent an instrument from us?
Contact us or just call us on 0631-61061. We’re here to help.